All about me
This term we are sharing all about our feelings, emotions and families. We started off by reading the book "Meesha makes friends" At the beginning of the story Meesha makes her own friends so we used our imaginations to invent our own friends. Using pens the children enjoyed drawing on large scale. We had lots of great ideas from mega minions to hand friends and monsters.. Our second text is 'Hello Friend' where we have been working together to make our own friendship biscuits. After mixing all the ingredients and rolling the dough the children had lots of fun decorating their friendship biscuits giving them lots of facial features. In Art and Design we used mirrors to carefully discuss out facial features and Nursery children used paint to create their portraits while Reception used selfies they had taken to carefully draw their portrait.
Wriggle to Squiggle
On Fridays now as well as our funky fingers/dough disco activities we have started a ‘squiggle’ programme which works both gross and fine motor muscles, strengthens and trains muscles whilst mark making for the purpose of forming letters which will lead to more formal handwriting. The children had lots of fun as it involved lively music and flipper flappers.
Our final topic of the year is 'under the sea'. We started by talking about which sea creatures we could name and then we helped work together to make our play tray into under the sea. We painted some creatures to use for a display. Our story this week is 'Somebody swallowed Stanley' . We looked at plastics bags in water and how they looks like jelly fish to see creatures. The children are going to make their own jelly fish using plastic bags and plant pots and think about how we can help protect our oceans from rubbish. The children have been enjoying our aquarium roleplay area taking on different roles.
This term we are learning all about transport old and new. We started off by reading 'Oi get off our train' which the children loved joining in with the repeated parts. We used the blocks outside to make our own train and turned our roleplay area into a train station. We have also been learning about road safety and had a go at crossing roads safely on the playground.
Our second text is 'Naughty Bus' which the children are loving. We found a mess on our carpet along with a London bus and the book. After reading the story the children enjoyed making tall buildings for London like in the story. The children also had fun taking on different roles in our bus roleplay area. The children are going to create their own bus model and use it for inspiration to write new pages for 'Naughty bus'.
This term our topic 'Come outside' where we will be exploring the outdoors and learning all about growing and looking after the environment. We started by reading 'Jaspers beanstalk' and thought about what might be at the top of Jaspers beanstalk. We decided to change our roleplay area into a fruit and vegetable shop which they children are enjoying. We discussed recycling and why this is important for our environment. Through this topic we will also be thinking about the changes we can observe in Spring.
Snow and Ice
This term our topic is all about snow and ice. It started by us finding an egg in our classroom! We had no idea who it belonged too or what kind of egg it was. The children had turns to inspect the egg carefully and shared their ideas of what kind of egg it is. The next day we were amazed to see that a penguin had been in our classroom. We talked about what we thought we knew about penguins and then we have been finding out facts from books. We have used globes to locate Antarctica and found out facts about what it is like there. The children choose their favourite penguin to draw and we have been comparing the sizes of penguins. The children were fascinated by the size of the Emperor penguin. We have started reading 'Lost and Found' and tested some objects which float like the boys boat in the story. We have also been thinking about what we would take with us on a trip to Antarctica.
Woodlands and Forests
This term we are looking at forests and woodland areas. We started by reading "Were going on a leaf hunt". We looked closely at the patterns of leaves by making leaf prints and then enjoyed a leaf hunt outside. We also read "Leaf man" and "Stick Man" which helped us make some lovely natural art work. We have looked at the Artist Andy Goldsworthy and used his pictures to inspire our own work. We discussed our own experiences with woodlands and talked about the animals we might see there before making our own small world woodlands play tray.
We welcome all the new children to our Foundation Stage this academic year and also welcome back those children who have returned to us after the holiday.
We will begin the Autumn term by getting to know each other through sharing our family photographs and talking about our families. Children will practise their speaking and listening skills as well as learning about diversity and respecting each other's differences. We will read the book 'Find your happy' and talk about what makes us happy.
In science this half term we are thinking about our bodies and how to keep healthy. During the term we will also be learning about good hygiene and learning how to wash our hands and brush our teeth properly. We will also be looking at our baby photos and talking about how we have changed as we have grown.
Children will be creating self-portraits by using mirrors and looking closely at their eye, hair and skin colour. We will be using the children's front doors as a starting point to encourage the children to discuss their home before making them.
In geography, we will be learning about the features of our school and grounds, using maps and photographs.
In maths we will be discussing measure and length to see who is the tallest in our class and discuss our heights.
Jungle Fun
This term we are learning all about animals that live in the jungle. We started by reading 'Rumble in the jungle' to find out about animals that live in the jungle. We then set up a jungle role play and small world tray. We looked at the animals and talked about our favourites and the reasons why. Our second text was 'Monkey Puzzle' and we discussed how it feels to be lost. We have been looking at different animal prints and matching them to the animals.
Our third text has been 'Were going on a lion hunt'. We have enjoyed joining in the repeated parts and used our understanding of the story to make a story map. We used the internet to find out lots of facts about lions and then made some lovely art work using a fork to make the lions mane.
Mad about Minibeasts
This term we are learning all about minibeasts and where they live. We started by looking at some and naming those which we recognised. We then added them to our play tray with magnifying glasses so we could look at them closely. We read 'Mad about minibeast' book so we could find out some information. The children then enjoyed looking at non fiction books to discuss the pictures. We went on a walk around the school grounds on a minibeast hunt before trying hard to draw them.
The children are very excited as we have our own caterpillars which have turned into cocoons! We are going to watch them closely and hopefully see them turn into beautiful butterflies.
We had a lovely visitor come to school to talk to us all about bees. She told us lots of facts about them before we had chance to observe them closely. After listening to a Bee story we then made our own bee hotels which we are going to hang around the school grounds.
Once Upon a time........
This term we are looking at traditional tales. We started with 'The three Billy goats gruff'. The children loved hearing the story and joining in with the repeated language. We then used puppets and props to retell the story after making a bridge for the goats. We looked at famous bridges around the world and compared them talking about how they were made. The children then used construction to try and make their own bridge.
Our second traditional tale was 'The Gingerbread Man' after listening to the story we changed our play tray to the setting of the story. We then discussed a bakery and what they were like. We have made a little bakery in our classroom for the children to take on different roles.
Run Run as Fast as you can!!
We made our own gingerbread men this week but when we came to decorate them we found that they had gone! We checked our cameras and couldn't beleive it! The children talked about what we could do. They decided we needed to be detectives and look for clues. We also made posters to let others know what had happened.
Mrs Dixon came to tell us when she was was looking out of her classroom window she spotted our gingerbread men playing outside. We rushed outside and after having a good search we found them all except Mrs Warwick's gingerbread man! We finally got chance to decorate them.
All about bears
This term we are learning all about bears. We started by finding a box of objects with some bowls, spoons, bears and porridge in. The children thought about who they could belong too before we read the story 'Goldilocks and the three bears'. We have done lots of activities linked to this. The children have been using puppets to retell the story and we have been experimenting with porridge oats. We are going to be making some porridge and talking about the change in the materials. Our next story is 'Were going on a bear hunt' where we will be making maps linked to the story and finding out about where bears live.
Autumn Term 2 2022
Light and Dark
This term our topic is 'Light and dark' which started with celebrating Halloween. We then discussed bonfire night finding out why we celebrate it and talking about our feelings linked to this. The children loved making their own firework pictures and talking about the colours used. Our books for this term are 'Owl Babies' and we will be talking about how the owls only come out at night. We will also be looking at 'Day Monkey, night monkey' which will introduce shadows and will experiment with shadow puppets. Our final book will be 'Can't you sleep little bear?' and the children will order lanterns by size and make their own. We will be looking at the lantern celebrations in China and finding out information about this.
Autumn Term 1 2022
Hello! we welcome all our new friends into Nursery and also those who have returned after our summer holidays.
Our first topic of the year is "All about me" where we will be focusing on ourselves. We will start by looking closely in the mirror at our faces and talking about what is similar and different to our friends. We will look at photos of the children as babies and discuss how they have changed as they grow. The children will talk about members of their family and celebrations they have together. We will look at our senses and take part in activities which enhance these before finally looking at oral hygiene and its importance.
This term we are talking all about holidays where people go and how they get there. We looked at some of the children photos so they could talk to us all about their holiday. We looked at lots of sea books and had lots of fun discussing and looking closely at our favourite sea creatures. Our man book this term has been 'Grandad's island' and we have done lots of talking looking at the illustrations in the book before reading it. After reading the story the children enjoyed painting different islands.
Animal Madness
Our topic this half term is called ‘Animal madness’ and is based around different animals. We have started by reading ‘Rosie’s Walk’ and the children have made a 3D map of Rosie’s route before drawing their own maps. The children also had a turn at being Rosie on our obstacle course focusing on the positional language. We will be reading ‘Dear Zoo', talking about what makes a good pet and why. This book will also support our Science work this term as we learn the names of different pets and their young.
Another text for the term will be ‘Handa’s Surprise’ which will support our Maths work learning about weight as well as helping us to think about different places in the world.
Spring Term 2 - 2022
When I grow up.......
We are having lots in our topic of when I grow up.... We started by looking at different objects and thinking about which occupation they belong too. The children then thought about what they would like to be when they grow up and thought carefully about the uniform they would wear. We have focused on different occupations starting with what we know and using books and internet to learn more. The children have loved using the dressing up costumes and equipment taking on different roles. We have been lucky enough to have some special visitors come into school and a trip to the Fire Station to find out all about different occupations.
Spring Term 1 - 2022
This term in Nursery our topic is 'Space'. We started the topic by asking the children what they knew about space and we were impressed with their answers. We got messy by exploring space gloop we talked about the ingredients mix together to make the texture. Our first book we looked at was 'What ever next!' the children really enjoyed this story and used their knowledge to act out the story using props. We also made a list of what we would take to space with us like Baby Bear.
Our second story is 'Aliens love underpants' which the children found funny! We have been using playdough and different resources to make our own aliens. We also used some paint to explore mixing to create our own underpants.
We have watched videos to see the first moon landing and then listened to music to recreate it. We loved seeing how the astronauts can move in their space craft and also the food they eat.