Welcome to Year 2
We have had a great start to the year and the children have settled into their new routines and environment really well. Our topic for this half term is 'Long, long ago' which will enable the children to explore and discover a wide range of areas.
Please refer to our individual subject areas for what we are going to explore in more detail.
We will be doing P.E. on Mondays and Fridays but sometimes opportunities arise for other sessions to take place so please ensure children have kits in school all week. They will need shorts, t-shirt and trainers. They will also need a jogging pants as the weather gets cold for outside sessions.
Children have been given a reading book for home and their reading together books to record any reading you do with them. Children are encouraged to change their own books in the morning. Please try and read with your child as often as possible, this also includes you reading to your children. The more stories they hear and read the greater their imagination becomes.
Spellings are based initially on common exception words which children will be learning and using in their lessons. They will have two weeks to practise and use them in their writing before an adult in school will reassess them for new words. Please give your children opportunities to learn these words at home.
Children will continue using Mathswhizz as they did in Year 1 using the same login details. They will be allocated 45 minutes during school time to complete the minimum recommended time. The progressions will continue to be acknowledged during celebration assembly on a Friday.