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Year 1

Hello! We are Year 1

Welcome to Year 1



P.E Days

Please ensure they have suitable clothing to take part. Year 1 will take part in Sports Trek every Monday morning, please can children come into school in their P.E kits. They will also do cricket every Tuesday afternoon and yoga on Wednesday morning. So Year 1 can come in their P.E kits on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  



Children can change their reading books when needed in the morning (It will say inside their reading record which colour book they are on.) Alongside their reading children will also have tricky words to learn. 



Each child is given new words to learn every 2 weeks. A grown up in class will check these words every 2 weeks to see how they are getting on with their learning. The children are not expected to learn their words in a week, they will learn them at their own pace. 



On their allocated day, children can start their Maths-Whizz session once they come into school before registration. They will be allocated 45 minutes during school time to complete the minimum recommended time. All children have been given their Maths-Whizz card to take home (There is also a copy in class.) It is a great, fun way for your child to learn maths so please encourage them to participate. The progressions will be acknowledged during celebration assembly on a Friday.
