At Netherton Infant School we have a Teaching for Mastery approach to teaching and learning in maths. A Mastery approach rejects the idea that some children ‘can’t do maths.’ We accept that all children can achieve in maths. Children will support each other’s learning through mixed ability pairs. They will have access to equipment to represent the maths to expose mathematical structures. Children will have a deeper understanding of maths and be able to talk about and explain the mathematics they are learning. They will be able to problem solve and reason about their learning and become more fluent in the approach to number. Our learning uses a CPA (concrete/pictorial/abstract) model.
We have worked closely with the Maths Hub since beginning our Mastery journey to develop this approach and have a Primary Maths Specialist in school, who works closely with colleagues to continually develop teaching and learning across all year groups in school.
Through careful lesson planning, all children are on a learning journey together from a shared starting point through small coherent steps that are achievable by all. The whole class will move together. It is expected that all children will access the learning through appropriate support and skilled questioning. Challenge will be available to all through opportunity for deep learning, reasoning and open-ended challenging problems. We use White Rose Maths scheme of work and also Mastering Number at the beginning of each session.
We use Mathswhizz in Year 1 and 2 to support your child's learning. Children are encouraged to engage in Mathswhizz for 45 minutes every week. This will be timetabled into the school week. Children will have a username and password to access this at home if they want to do extra.
Useful websites: