Welcome to Year 1
P.E Days
Please ensure they have suitable clothing to take part. Year 1 will take part in Sports Trek every Thursday, please can children come into school in their P.E kits. They will also do cricket every Tuesday afternoon and yoga on Wednesday morning. So Year 1 can come in their P.E kits on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Children will be sent home the reading book they have been practising with us in school, they can also choose books for pleasure as often as they like from our reading area or library. Alongside their reading children will also have tricky words to learn.
Each child is given new words to learn every week. A grown up in class will check these words each week to see how they are getting on with their learning. The children are not expected to learn their words in a week, they will learn them at their own pace.
On their allocated day, children can start their Maths-Whizz session once they come into school before registration. They will be allocated 45 minutes during school time to complete the minimum recommended time. All children have been given their Maths-Whizz card to take home (There is also a copy in class.) It is a great, fun way for your child to learn maths so please encourage them to participate. The progressions will be acknowledged during celebration assembly on a Friday.
After reading and retelling some of our favourite stories this term - The Colour Monster, Bedtime for Monsters and I can Catch a Monster, we wrote and illustrated our own books which we are very proud of.
(There are videos of us retelling our favourite stories on Seesaw)
Nicholas Allan is one of our favourite authors and we were really excited when he came into school to visit us. He read his story The King's Pants to us, showed us how he illustrates his books and even showed us some magic tricks!
We had a turn at designing our own pants for the King and sharing our ideas with Mr Allan.
(There are some videos on Seesaw of us sharing our ideas)
We really enjoyed our Autumn walk with Libby. We found lots of Autumn treasures, played games and created some autumn art.
We all enjoyed our walk to our local cafe Aroma where Gem showed us how to make our own pizzas. At school we have our own role play pizza shop where we take orders, create our own pizzas and write out bills and receipts.